March 9, 2025-Hebrews 4:14-16

Jesus Stands Alone as Our Great High Priest (Pastor Daniel Balge)

March 2, 2025-2 Corinthians 3:7-18

Personal Transfiguration (Pastor Micah Plocher)

February 23, 2025- Genesis 45:3-8,15

It’s All About Forgiveness (Pastor Daniel Balge)

February 16, 2025-2 Corinthians 12:7b-10

A Better Strength (Pastor Micah Plocher)

February 9, 2025-Isaiah 6:1-8

A Sight You Can’t Unsee  (Pastor Micah Plocher)

February 2, 2025-Jeremiah 1: 4-10

Comfort for the Unpopular (Pastor Daniel Balge)

January 26, 2025-Luke 4:16-30

The Danger of Familiarity (Pastor Micah Plocher)

January 19, 2025-John 2:1-11

More and Better (Pastor Plocher)

January 12, 2025-Titus 3:4-7

Baptism Made You God’s Own Child (Pastor Daniel Balge)

January 5, 2025-1 Kings 10:1-9

Worth the Trip (Pastor Micah Plocher)

December 15, 2024-Luke 3:7-18

What Should We Do Then? (Pastor Plocher)

December 8, 2024-Luke 3:1-6

(Pastor Plocher)

December 1, 2024-Luke 19:28-40

Your King Is Coming (Pastor Daniel Balge)

November 24, 2024-Jude 20-25

The End Times survival Guide (Pastor Micah Plocher)

November 17, 2024-Hebrews 9:24-28

Waiting for Results (Pastor Micah Plocher)

November 10, 2024-Psalm 145:9-16

Grateful for the Gifts of God (Pastor Aaron Bush-MLC)

November 3, 2024-Isaiah 25:6-9

“Feast” (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 27, 2024-Daniel 3:16-28

Faith in the Flames (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 20, 2024-Mark 10:32-45

We Serve Our Servant Savior (Pastor Daniel Balge)

October 13, 2024-Hebrews 4:12-13

Heart Surgery (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 6, 2024-Ephesians 5:21-6:4

A Family Mystery (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 29, 2024-2 Kings 6:8-17

Look and See! (Pastor Nathaniel Savage)

September 22,2024-Mark 9:30-37

Relearning Greatness (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 15, 2024, Ephesians6:10-18

The Armor of God (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 8, 2024-Luke 13:10-17

The Pause That Refreshes (Pastor Daniel Balge)

September 1, 2024-Mark 1:29-39

The Reason Jesus Heals You (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 18, 2024-Galatians 6:7-10

See Life from Faith’s Perspective (Pastor Daniel Balge)

August 11, 2024-Joshua 24:14-24

It’s a No-Brainer! (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 4, 2024-2 Timothy 4:6-8,16-18

A Life Well Lived (Pastor Micah Plocher)

July 28, 2024-2 Corinthians 9:8-11

God Blesses Us Abundantly (Pastor Daniel Balge)

July 14, 2024-Titus 1:5-9

Representing God Well (Pastor Micah Plocher)

July 7, 2024-2 Timothy 2:8-9

“God’s Word Is Not Chained” (Pastor Daniel Balge)

June 30, 2024-Mark 5:21-24a, 35-43

“Don’t Be Afraid. Just Believe.” (Pastor Daniel Balge)

June 23, 2024-Job 38:1-11

God in the Storm (Pastor Micah Plocher)

June 16, 2024-Ezekiel 17:22-24

God Guarantees Growth in His Kingdom (Pastor Micah Plocher)

June 9, 2024-Genesis 3:8-15

Ruined Just as It Began (Pastor Micah Plocher)

June 2, 2024-Deuteronomy 5:12-15

Remember and Refuel (Pastor Micah Plocher)

May 26, 2024-Isaiah 6:1-8

Catch a Glimpse of the Triune God (Pastor Daniel Balge)

May 19, 2024-John 15:26-27;16:4b-11

Better With the Spirit (Pastor Micah Plocher)

May 12, 2024-Children’s Sermon (Pastor Micah Plocher)

May 5, 2024-1 John 4:7-11,19-21

First Love First (Pastor Daniel Balge)

April 28, 2024-1John 4:1-6

Sermon (Pastor Micah Plocher)

April 21, 2024-1 John 3:18-24

This Is How We Know God Lives in Us (Pastor Micah Plocher)

April 14, 2024-1John 1:5-2:2

Walk in the Light of the Living Savior (Pastor Micah Plocher)

April 7, 2024-1 John 1:1-4

‘We Proclaim to You the Eternal Life” (Pastor Daniel Balge)

March 31, 2024-Job 19:23-27

I Know That My Redeemer Lives!  (Pastor Micah Plocher)

March 17, 2024-John 12:20-33

The Savior’s Submission Fights Self-Glorification (Pastor Micah Plocher)

March 10, 2024-Numbers 21:4-9

Jesus’ Cross Fights Self-Righteousness (Pastor Daniel Balge)

March 3, 2024-Exodus 20:1-17

God’s Zeal Fights Insincerity (Pastor Micah Plocher)

February 25, 2024-Romans 5:1-11

God’s Love Fights Despair (Pastor Micah Plocher)

February 18, 2024-Genesis 22:1-18

Faith Fights Doubt (Pastor Daniel Balge)

February 11, 2024-Mark9:2-9

Seeing Glory Clearly (Pastor Micah Plocher)

February 4, 2024-Mark 1:29-39

Seeing Compassion Clearly (Pastor Micah Plocher)

January 28, 2024-Hebrews 3:1-6

Seeing Authority Clearly (Pastor Micah Plocher)

January 21, 2024-Mark 1:14-20

Mission Possible ( Pastor Daniel Balge)

January 14, 2024- Mark 1:4-11

Seeing Identity Clearly (Pastor Plocher)

January 7, 2024-Numbers 24:15-17a

A Star Has Risen for You (Pastor Plocher)

December 31, 2023- Luke 12:13-21

You Are Rich (Pastor Balge)

December 25, 2023-Luke 2:1-20

Good News of Great Joy (Pastor Plocher)

December 17, 2023-2 Samuel 7:8-16

His Kingdom Will Have No End (Pastor Plocher)

December 10, 2023-Isaiah 61:1-3,10-11

“My Soul Rejoices In My God” (Pastor Balge)

December 3, 2023- Isaiah 40:1-11

Make Way! (Pastor Plocher)

November 26, 2023-Romans 13:11-14

Do You Know what Time It Is? (Pastor Plocher)

November 19, 2023-Romans 12:1-8

Molded by Mercy (Pastor Micah Plocher)

November 12, 2023-Isaiah 52:1-6

Our Savior is Ready to Return (Pastor Daniel Balge)

November 5,2023-Revelation 7:9-17

Tissues in Heaven? (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 29, 2023- Daniel 6:10-12,16-23

Safe in the Lion’s Den (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 22, 2023-Romans 13:1-7

“Let Everyone Be Subject to the Governing Authorities” (Pastor Daniel Balge)

October 15, 2023-Matthew 22:1-14

You’re Invited! (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 8, 2023-Matthew 21:33-43

Rental Property (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 1, 2023-Matthew 21:23-32

Get to Work (Pastor Daniel Balge)

September 24, 2023-Matthew 20:1-16

No More Math (Pastor Plocher)

September 17, 2023-Ephesians 4:29-5:2

How God’s Family Talks (Pastor Plocher)

(Due to a “glitch” in the streaming the whole sermon may not work)

September 10, 2023-Ezekial 33:7-11

Say What Needs Saying (Pastor Balge)

September 3, 2023- Romans 8:18-25

Living Like the Best is Yet to Come (Pastor Plocher)

August 20, 2023-Ephesians 2:13-22

One Plus One Makes One (Pastor Balge)

August 13, 2023- 1 Kings 19:9-18

Trusting a God Who Whispers (Pastor Plocher)

August 6, 2023- 1 Kings 17:1-6

Drought, Ravens, and God’s Love (Pastor Plocher)

July 30, 2023-1 Kings 3:5-12

A Listening Heart (Pastor Plocher)

July 16, 2023-Isaiah 55:6-11

It’s Raining! (Pastor Plocher)

July 9, 2023-Romans 7:15-25a

Who Will Rescue Me? (Pastor Plocher)

July 2, 2023-Matthew 10:34-42

Who is Your “Number 1”? (Pastor Edward Frey)

June 25, 2023-Jeremiah 20:7-13

What to Do When People Don’t Want to Hear What God Says (Pastor Plocher)

June 18, 2023- Matthew 9:25-10:8

Jesus’ Heart Aches for Sinners (Pastor Balge)

June 11, 2023-Luke 14:25-35

Count the Cost (Pastor Plocher)

June 4, 2023-2 Corinthians 13:11-14

Unity in Trinity (Pastor Plocher)

May 28, 2023- Acts 2:1-21

The Sights & Sounds of the Spirit at Work (Pastor Nate Savage)

May 21, 2023-1 Peter4:12-17;5:6-11

Hope that Stands Firm (Pastor Plocher)

May 14, 2023-1 Peter3:13-22

Hope with a Clean Conscience (Pastor Plocher)

May 7, 2023-1 Peter 2:4-10

Hope Under the Good Shepherd (Pastor Balge)


April 30, 2023-1 Peter 2: 4-10

Hope built on the Cornerstone (Pastor Plocher)

April 23, 2023-1 Peter 1:17-25

Hope Revealed in Scripture (Pastor Balge)


April 16, 2023-1 Peter 1:3-12

The Reason for Hope (Even for Exiles) (Pastor Plocher)

April 9, 2023-Matthew 28:1-10

Easter Transformation (Pastor Plocher)

March 26, 2023-John 11:17-45

Jesus Responds to Death (Pastor Plocher)

March 19, 2023-Ephesians 5:8-14

Live as Children of Light (Pastor Plocher)

March 12, 2023-John 4:5-26

The Expedition Is Over! (Pastor Edward Frey)

March 5, 2023-John 3:1-17

A Gift for the World (Pastor Plocher)

February 26, 2023-Genesis 3:1-15

A Champion for the Defeated (Pastor Plocher)

February 19, 2023-Matthew 17:1-9

Remember How Your Savior Died (Pastor Balge)

February 12, 2023-Matthew 6:24-34

Don’t Worry! (Pastor Plocher)


February 5, 2023-Matthew 5:38-48

Family Resemblance (Pastor Plocher)

January 29, 2023-Matthew 5:21-37

God Expects Wholehearted Holiness (Pastor Balge)

January 22, 2023-Matthew 5:13-20

You Are… So Be! (Pastor Plocher)

January 15, 2023- Matthew 5:1-12

Blessed Are the Upside-Down… (Pastor Plocher)

January 8, 2023-Luke 2

Christmas Message (Pastor Plocher)

January 1, 2023-Hebrews 13:5-8,14

Faith Is A Gift That Keeps On Giving. (Pastor Balge)

December 25, 2022- Isaiah 52:7-10

When God Shows Up (Pastor Plocher)

December 18. 2022-Isaiah 7:10-14

Immanuel! (Pastor Plocher)

December 11, 2022-Luke 16:1-15

Be Shrewd-In a Good Way! (Pastor Plocher)

December 4, 2022-Isaiah 11:1-10

Rally to the Judge (Pastor Plocher)

November 27, 2022-Isaiah 2:1-5

Come, Let Us Walk In the Light of the Lord (Pastor Daniel Balge)

November 20, 2022-Revelation 22:6-13

He Is Coming Soon! (Pastor Micah Plocher)

November 13, 2022-Matthew 9:9-13

Eating with Sinners (Pastor Micah Plocher)

November 6, 2022-Revelation 21:1-6

No More Tears (Pastor Daniel Balge)

October 23, 2022-Deuteronomy 10:12-22

Chosen for the Future (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 16, 2022-1 John 5:13-15

Pray With Confidence (Pastor Daniel Balge)

October 2, 2022- 2 Thessalonians 1:1-5,11-12

Faith Grows (Pastor Daniel Balge)

September 25, 2022-Luke 16:19-31

See Life from the End (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 18, 2022-Hosea 3

God Loves the Unlovable (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 11, 2022- 1Peter 1:22-23

A God-Lived Life is One that Craves the Word (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 4, 2022-Deuteronomy 30:19-20

Choose To Live (Pastor Daniel Balge)


August 28, 2022-Proverbs 25:6-7a

The Humble will Be Exalted (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 21, 2022-Luke 13:22-30

The First Will Be Last (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 14, 2022-Hebrews 12:1-13

Those Who Stay Will Be Champions (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 7, 2022-Hebrews 11:1-3,8-16

Keep the Faith (Pastor Daniel Balge)

July 24, 2022-Genesis 18:20-32

Expert-Level Prayer (Pastor Micah Plocher)

July 17, 2022-Colossians 1:3-6

Always Thank God for the Gospel (Pastor Daniel Balge)

July 3, 2022-Luke 10:17-20

Keep Faith’s Blessings in Perspective (Pastor Daniel Balge)

June 26, 2022-1 Kings 19:19-21

No Looking Back (Pastor Micah Plocher)

June 19, 2022-Luke 8:26-39

No Match for My Savior (Pastor Micah Plocher)

June 13, 2022- Numbers 6:22-27

Trinity Blessings (Pastor Daniel Balge)

June 6, 2022- John 14:23-27

The Spirit of Love (Pastor Micah Plocher)

May 29, 2022-Acts1:1-11

Ascension (Pastor Plocher) 

May 22, 2022-John 16:16-24

Your Sadness Will Turn to Joy  (Pastor Thomford)

May 15, 2022 –Joshua 1:6-9

Now What? (Pastor Micah Plocher)

May 8, 2022-Revelation 7:9-17

The Shepherd Keeps His Word (Pastor Micah Plocher)

May 1, 2022-John 21:1-14

It is the Lord! (Pastor Daniel Balge)

April 24, 2022-John 20:19-31

No-Doubt Message, No-Fear Messengers (Pastor Micah Plocher)

April 17, 2022 –1 Corinthians 15:51-57

Resurrection Perspective (Pastor Micah Plocher)

April 3, 2022-Philippians 3:4b-14

Before and After (Pastor Micah Plocher)

March 27, 2022-Romans 8:1-10

“There is Now No Condemnation for Those who are in Christ Jesus” (Pastor Daniel Balge)

March 20, 2022-Luke 13:1-9

The Christian’s Response to Tragedy (Pastor Micah Plocher)

March 13, 2022-Luke 13:31-35

Gritty Savior (Pastor Micah Plocher)

March 6, 2022-Hebrews 4:14-16

Christ’s Humility is the Champion for Humanity (Pastor Edward Frey)

February 27, 2022-2 Corinthians 3:7-18

Transfiguration (Pastor Micah Plocher)

February 20, 2022-Genesis 45:3-8a,15

Forgive One Another (Pastor Daniel Balge)

February 13, 2022-Luke 5:1-11

Let Down the Nets (Pastor Plocher)

February 6, 2022-Jeremiah 1: 4-10

So Let’s Go (Pastor Plocher)

January 30, 2022- Luke 4:16-30

The Doctor Will See You Now (Pastor Frey)

January 23, 2022- Ephesians 3:14-21

Your God Is Too Small (Pastor Micah Plocher)

January 16, 2022- 1 Samuel 16:1-13

The Lord Sees what Humans Miss (Pastor Micah Plocher)

January 9, 2022-Matthew 2:1-12

Epiphany Reveals Your Savior (Pastor Daniel Balge)

January 2, 2022-Luke 1:68-79

This Changes Everything (Pastor Micah Plocher)

December 26, 2021- Hebrews 2:10-18

Celebrate a Family Christmas (Pastor Micah Plocher)

December 25, 2021-Exodus 33:18-23,34:5-7

Now Show Me Your Glory (Pastor Micah Plocher)

December 19, 2021-Zephaniah 3:14-17

A Reason to Rejoice (Pastor Phil Gieschen)

December 15, 2021-Luke 2:8-15

The Angel’s Message to the Shepherds (Pastor Philip Schroeder)

December 12, 2021-Philippians 4:4-7

Rejoice! The Lord Is Near! (Pastor Micah Plocher)

December 5, 2021-Luke 3:`1-6

Get Ready for Christmas (Pastor Daniel Balge)

November 28, 2021- Luke 19:28-40

Humility Saves (Pastor Plocher)

November 14, 2021- Daniel 12:1-3

Distress to Deliverance (Pastor Balge)

November 7, 2021-Revelation 20:4-6

We Win! (Pastor Daniel Balge)

October 31, 2021-Mark 12:5-11

Watch In! (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 24, 2021-1 Corinthians 9:7-12,19-23

Freedom to Serve (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 17, 2021- Mark 10:17-27

100% Certain (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 10, 2021-Ephesians 5:21-6:4

Family Matters to God (Pastor Daniel Balge)

October 4, 2021-Philippians 1:12-18a

A Kingdom Focus (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 26, 2021-Ephesians 6:10-18

The Full Armor of God (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 19, 2021-Numbers 12:1-15

Altered Ego (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 12, 2021-Mark 7:31-37

Speak the Gospel Clearly (Pastor Daniel Balge)

September 5, 2021-Mark 7:1-8,14-15,21-23

It’s What’s on the Inside that Counts (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 29, 2021-John 4:27-42

From One Water Jar (Pastor Daniel Witte)

August 23, 2021-Proverbs 9:1-6

Free Food (Pastor Plocher)

August 15, 2021-1 Corinthians 10:12-13

Develop Temptation Resistance (Pastor Balge)

August 8, 2021-2 Kings 6:8-17

Open Our Eyes! (Pastor Plocher)

August 2, 2021-2 Corinthians 9:6-11

Seeds of Generosity (Pastor Plocher)

July 25, 2021-Hebrews 13:7-8,17-21

A Renewal of [Installation] Vows (Pastor Plocher)

July 18, 2021- Amos 7:10-15

Say What Needs Saying (Pastor Balge)

July 11, 2021-Exodus 14:5-7,10-31;Daniel 6:10-12,16-23;Mark 15:33-39

Limitless Power, Faithfulness and Love (Pastor Plocher)

July 4, 2021-Mark 5:21-24a,35-43

“Trust Me” (Pastor Plocher)

June 27, 2021-Romans 8:15-16

No Reason to Fear…Anything (Pastor Jeffrey Schone)

June 20, 2021-Colossians 1:3-8

The Gospel Grows (Pastor Plocher)

June 13, 2021-Revelation 20:1-6 (EHV)

Satan Chained (Pastor Plocher)

June 6, 2021- Mark 2:23-3:6

Sabbath Means Rest (Pastor Balge)

May 30, 2021-Romans 8:12-17

Children of our Triune God (Pastor Plocher)

May 23, 2021-Ezekiel 37:1-14

Can these Bones Live? (Pastor Plocher)

May 16, 2021-John 17:11b-19

The Place Where You Belong (Pastor Plocher)

May 9, 2021-1 John 4:16-21

We Love Because God First Loved Us (Pastor Balge)

May 2, 2021-John 15:1-8

The Living Vine Produces Much Fruit (Pastor Plocher)

April 25, 2021-John 10:11-18

Reasons to Love Him (Pastor Plocher)

April 18, 2021-Luke 24:36-49

Connected to the Scriptures (Pastor Plocher)

April 11, 2021- John 20:19-31

Peace Be with You (Pastor Balge)

April 4, 2021-1 Corinthians 15:19-26

Certain Hope for Uncertain Times (Pastor Plocher)

March 28, 2021-The Gospel of Mark

Passion Sunday, whole service (Pastor Plocher)

March 21, 2021-John 12:22-33

We Would Like to See Jesus (Pastor Balge)


March 14, 2021-Ephesians 2:1-10

Transformed by Grace (Pastor Plocher)

March 7, 2021-John 2:13-22

Zeal Consumes Me ( Pastor Plocher)

February 28, 2021-Job 1:13-22

“In Every Place” (Pastor Plocher)

February 21, 2021-Genesis 22:1-18

God Himself Will Provide the Lamb (Pastor Balge)

February 14, 2021-2 Corinthians 4:3-6

God’s Power Unveiled  (Pastor Plocher)

February 7, 2021-Isaiah 40:27-31

Stumble to the One Who Does Not Stumble (Pastor Plocher)

January 31, 2021-Mark 1:21-28

Jesus Speaks With Authority (Pastor Balge)

January 24, 2021-2 Corinthians 5:14-21

A Message Worth Living For (Pastor Plocher)

January 17, 2021-John 1:43-51

What Are You Waiting For? (Pastor Plocher)

January 10, 2021-Isaiah 49:1-6

God’s Secret Weapon (Pastor Plocher)

January 3, 2021- Matthew 2:1-12

What Wise People Find in Bethlehem (Pastor Balge)

December 27, 2020-Luke 2:41-52

Whose House? God’s House! (Pastor Plocher)

December 20, 2020-2 Samuel 7:8-16

Big Promise, Big Fulfillment (Pastor Plocher)

December 13, 2020-Isaiah 61:1-3,10-11

Rags to Righteous (Pastor Plocher)

December 6, 2020-Mark 1:1-8

Don’t Get Distracted (Pastor Micah Plocher)

November 29, 2020- Mark 13:32-37

Watch for Your Lord’s Return (Pastor Daniel Balge)

November 22, 2020-Matthew 27:27-31 

His/Mine (Pastor Micah Plocher)

November 15, 2020-1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

You Win! (Pastor Daniel Balge)

November 8, 2020-1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Third Shift Christians (Pastor Micah Plocher)

November 1, 2020-Matthew 10:16-23

No Pep Rally (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 25, 2020-Philippians 4:11-13

The Secret of Contentment (Pastor Daniel Balge)

October 18, 2020-Isaiah 5:1-7

The Saddest Love Song (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 11, 2020-Matthew 21:23-32

Heavenly or Human? (Pastor Micah Plocher)

October 4, 2020-Jonah 3:10–4:11

Worst Prophet Ever (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 27, 2020-Matthew 18:21-35

Connect (Don’t Collect) the Debts (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 20, 2020-Ezekiel 33:7-11

Tough Love (Pastor Daniel Balge)

September 13, 2020-Matthew 16:21-26

Playing a Different Game (Pastor Micah Plocher)

September 6, 2020-Exodus 34:5-9

“Hi, I’m the Lord’ (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 30, 2020-Matthew 15:21-28

What a Great Faith Does (Pastor Daniel Balge)

August 23, 2020-Genesis 50:15-21

Rejoice, My Heart, Be Glad and Sing!(Pastor Thomford of MLC)

August 16, 2020-Matthew 14:13-21 

Just Add Jesus (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 9, 2020-Matthew 13:44-52

It’s Worth What? (Pastor Micah Plocher)

August 2, 2020-Isaiah 44:6-11

Unique God, Unique Deliverance (Pastor Micah Plocher)

Jul 26, 2020-Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23

Deep Roots for Good Fruit (Pastor Micah Plocher)

July 19, 2002-Matthew 11:25-30

No Rest for the “Learned” (Pastor Micah Plocher)

July 12, 2020-Installation of Pastor Micah Plocher- Hebrews 12:1-3 (EHV)

Carefully Consider Christ (Pastor James Plocher)

July 12, 2020- Romans 6:3-11

Wanted: Dead and Alive (Pastor Daniel Balge)

July 5, 2020-Ezekiel 39:1-10

Persecution Can’t Prevail (Pastor Jeffrey Schone)

June 21, 2020- Matthew 9:9-13

Jesus Calls Sinners (Pastor Daniel Balge)

June 14, 2020- Deuteronomy 11:18-20

Keep God’s Word in a Good Place (Pastor Daniel Balge)


June 7, 2020-2 Corinthians 13:11-14

You Are Triply Blessed (Pastor Daniel Balge)

May 31, 2020- Acts 2:1-13

Pentecost Basics Never Change (Pastor Daniel Balge)

May 24, 2020- 1 Peter 5;6-11

Be A Realistic Christian (Pastor Daniel Balge)

May 17, 2020-Acts 17:22-31

Make Known the Unknown God (Pastor Daniel Balge)

May 10, 2020 (Confirmation)- Joshua 1:9, Isaiah 41:10, Matthew 5:16

You Go With God (Pastor Daniel Balge)

May 3, 2020-John 10:1-10

“Jesus is the True Gate” (Pastor Phil Gieschen)

April 26, 2020-Acts 2:14a, 36-47

Test Your Church’s Vital Signs (Pastor Daniel Balge)

April 19, 2020-John 20:19-31

20/20 Faith-(Pastor Daniel Balge)

April 12, 2020-Jonah 2:2-9

The Prayer Inside The Tomb – (Pastor David Scharf)

April 10, 20-John 19:30

“It Is Finished” – (Pastor Daniel Balge)

April 9, 2020-John 13:1-15, 34-35

Maundy Thursday Changes Our Attitude (Pastor Tim Smith)

April 5, 2020-Matthew 21:1-11 

Save Us Now! (Pastor Keith Wessel)

March 29, 2020-John 11:17-27, 38-45

Raised to Life for the Living (Pastor Paul Koester)

March 25, 2020-Matthew 27:46

The Last Words of Jesus (Pastor Tim Smith)

March 22, 2020-Romans 8:1-10

There is Now No Condemnation For Those Who Are in Christ Jesus (Pastor Daniel Balge)

March 15, 2020-John 9:1-7

Jesus Has Power to Make the Blind See (Pastor Phil Gieschen)

March 8, 2020-John 4:5-14

Jesus Gives Living Water (Pastor Daniel Balge)

March 1, 2020-Matthew 4:1-11

The Three Deadly Temptations…. (Pastor Wayne Laitinen)

February 23, 2020-2 Peter 1:16-21

“Necessity is the Mother of Invention” (Pastor Nicolas Schmoller)

February 16, 2020-2 Samuel 11:1-17, 26-27

Our Tangled Web  –  Christ’s Perfect Path (Pastor Paul Koelpin)

February 9, 2020-1 Corinthians 2:1-5

Nothing but Jesus & His Cross (Pastor Daniel Balge)

February 2, 2020- 1 Corinthians 1:26-31

Let Us Boast in the Lord (Pastor Daniel Balge)

January 26, 2020- Isaiah 49:1-6

Jesus Is the Light For All (Pastor Philip Gieschen)

January 19, 2020-John 1:29-41

Come and See (Pastor Nicolas Schmoller)

January 12, 2020-Acts 10:34-48

God Does not Show Favoritism (Pastor Lawrence Olson)

January 5, 2020-John 1:14-18

The Word Became Flesh (Pastor Daniel Balge)

December 29, 2019-Galatians 4:4-7

We All Are God’s Children (Pastor Brian Hennig)

December 25, 2019-Romans 8:32

God Gave Us his Very Best (Pastor Brian Hennig)

December 22, 2019-Romans 1:1-7

Getting it Right at the Beginning (Pastor Paul Koelpin)

December 18, 2019-Genesis 18:1-14

“Waiting on a Baby to Deliver Us from Doubt” (Pastor Dan Sutton)

December 15, 2019-Malachi 4:1-3

You Joy is Coming (Pastor Jeffrey Schone)

December 11, 2019

Waiting for a Baby to Deliver Us from Sin (Pastor Tim Smith)

December 8, 2019-Matthew 3:1-12

Repent, Produce, Prepare (Pastor Paul Koester)

December 1, 2019-Romans 13:11-14

Your Salvation is Nearer Now (Pastor Daniel Balge)

November 24, 2019-Luke 23:35-43

He Shall Reign Forever and Ever (Pastor Kieth Kuschel)

November 17, 2019-Revelation 22:1-5

Saints Triumphant Over… (Pastor Kieth Kuschel

November 10, 2019- Luke 19:11-27

Proper Preparation for Parousia (Pastor Kieth Kuschel)

November 3, 2019-2 Timothy 1:3-14

We Live by Faith (Pastor Kieth Kuschel)

October 27, 2019-Luke 7:27-35

Thank the Lord for His servants: (Pastor Kieth Kuschel)

October 20, 2019  Amos 6:1-7

God’s Tremendous Blessings for  This Life May Lead To: (Pastor Kieth Kuschel)

October 13, 2019 Luke 16:1-13

How to Make Friends Forever (Pastor Sam Degner)

October 6, 2019 Exodus 32:1-14

Gods Patience when His covenant has been broken (Pastor Kieth Kuschel)

September 29, 2019 Revelation 2:1-7

Never Forget Your First Love (Pastor Ron Siemers)

September 22, 2019- Proverbs 25:6-7

What Are You Worth? (Pastor Kuschel)

September 16, 2019-Luke 13:22-30

Love Speaks Precisely that there is a Narrow Door (Pastor Kuschel)

September 8,2019-Hebrews 12:1-13

Run For Your Life (Pastor Balge)

September 1,2019 –Proverbs 25:6-7

Let’s Live as Humble Christians (Pastor Balge)

August 25, 2019 – Acts 8:26-40

God’s Place and God’s Time (Pastor Larry Schlomer of Missions)

August 11, 2019-Luke 10 38-42

Only One Thing is Needed (Pastor Balge)

August 4, 2019 – Ephesians 2:8-9

Don’t Become an Expert (Pastor Nicholas Proksch from Bethany)

July 29, 2019 –Matthew 28:16-20

Have no Doubt As You Carry Out Jesus’ Great Commission (Pastor Wayne Uhlhorne)

July 22, 2019 – Genesis 23

When Abraham Buries Sarah (Pastor Witte)

July 14,2019-Galatians 3:23-29

Faith Makes you God’s Child (Pastor Balge)

July 7, 2019- Genesis 22

More Love for Jesus (Pastor Witte)

June 30, 2019-Genesis 21

God is Getting You Ready (Pastor Witte)

June 23,2019-Numbers 6:22-27

Three Blessings From the Trinity to Trinity (Pastor John Unnasch)

June 16, 2019-Genesis 19:15-29

Just A Little (Pastor Witte)

Due to the service being outdoors, there was no recording. Join us next weekend!

June 9, 2019- Psalm 78: 5b-7

Grace Poured Out from Generation to Generation (Pastor Jon Enter)

June 2, 2019- Joshua 24:1, 2a. 14-18

Make Your Commitment Today (Pastor Luke Myslik)

May 26, 2019-Genesis 18:1-15

When Sarah Laughed (Pastor Witte)

May 19, 2019-Genesis 17

When Abraham Twice Fell on His Face (Pastor Witte)

May 12, 2019-John 10:22-30

Listen to Your Shepherd’s Voice (Pastor Balge)

May 5, 2019-Genesis 15:7-21

Just Wait (Pastor Witte)

April 28, 2019-Genesis 15:1-6

Righteousness Comes By Faith Alone (Pastor Balge)

April 21, 2019-2 Timothy 2:8

Remember Jesus Christ (Pastor Witte)

April 14, 2019- MVL Sunday

Because the sermon was in sections, here is the last 3 songs from the MVL choir

April 10, 2019-Matthew 26:36-41

Watch and Pray (Pastor Witte)

April 7, 2019-Genesis 13:14-17

Trust God’s Promises (Pastor Daniel Balge)

April 3, 2019- John 18:3-9

“I Am He” (Pastor Marques Nelson)

March 31, 2019-Genesis 12:10-20

As Abram’s Blessing Begins (Pastor Witte)

March 27, 2019-John 13:31-35

“Love One Another” (Pastor Timothy Hartwig)

March 24, 2019-Romans 5:1-11

ROMANS 5:1-11 (Pastor Robert Otto)

March 20, 2019-John 19:14-18

Three Words-“Take Him Away” (Pastor John Petersen)

March 17, 2019-Genesis 10

Believe the Background (Pastor Witte)

March 13, 2019- John 18:33-40

Three Words: “What Is Truth?” (Pastor Siverly)

March 10, 2019- Genesis 9:18-29

When Noah Got Really Drunk (Pastor Witte)

March 6, 2019-Matthew 26:17-25

Three Words: “Surely Not I”? (Pastor Witte)

March 3, 2019-Luke 9:28-36

The Son of God is Your Savior (Pastor Balge)

February 24, 2019-Genesis 6:9-7:24

God Sent the Consummate Catastrophe for our Comfort (Pastor Witte)

February 14, 2019- Genesis 6:5-8

Be Strong in the Faith (Pastor Balge)

February 10,2019, Genesis 5:21-24

Walk With God (Pastor Balge)

February 3, 2019, Genesis 3:16-24

Hints of Hope for Trinity (Pastor Witte)

January 27, 2019

Make your Anniversary a Memorial (Professor James Danell)

January 20, 2019-John 2:1-11

Jesus Flashed a Sign (Pastor Witte)

January 13, 2019-Genesis 2:4-17

To Form a More Perfect Union (Pastor Witte)

January 6, 2019-Ephesians 3:2-12

I Cannot Help But Proclaim the Gospel! (Philip Henning) Due to the length of the sermon, it was cut short

December 30, 2018- 1 Thessalonians 3:9-13

My Resolution For the New Year: Pray! (Philip Henning)

December 16, 2018-Zephaniah 3:14-18

The Gift that Keeps on Taking (Pastor Balge)

December 12, 2018-Luke 1:26-38

“Open My Eyes to See…” (Pastor Witte)

December 9, 2018-Malachi 2:17-3:5

God Answers two Great Gripes (Pastor Witte)

November 25, 2018-Psalm 45

Psalm 45 (Pastor Witte)

November 18, 2018-Revelation 22:1-6

There Will Be No More Night (Pastor Balge)

November 11, 2018-Psalm 96

On Your Way Rejoicing (Pastor Witte)

November 4, 2018-Mark 13:5-11

Here We Stand (Philip Henning)

October 28, 2018-Psalm 22

More Praise, Honor and Awe! (Pastor Witte)

October 14, 2018-Psalm 63

“Your Love Is Better Than Life” (Pastor Witte)

October 7, 2018-Genesis 2:18-24

God Makes Us Complete (Mr. Philip Henning)

September 23, 2018-Psalm 54

Sing with Zing of the Future King (Pastor Witte)

September 16, 2018-Mark 9:14-29

Lord, Help Me Overcome My Unbelief (Daniel Balge)

September 9, 2018 –Deuteronomy 4:1-2,6-9

God’s Word is A Precious Gift (Pastor Witte)

August 12, 2018 – Psalm 34

“The Lord is Good” (Pastor Witte)

August 5, 2018 –John 6:24-35

“What Do You Want From Jesus?” (Pastor Balge)

July 29, 2018 – Psalm 84

“The Looniest/Loveliest Longing” (Pastor Witte)

July 22, 2018 – Psalm 28

“When God Seemed Deaf” (Pastor Witte)

July 15, 2018 – Amos 7:10-15

“Christian, Speak God’s Word Boldly” (Pastor Balge)

July 8, 2018 –Psalm 143

“Pray your People Problems” (Pastor Witte)

July 1, 2018 – Psalm 30

“Good Grief” (Pastor Witte)

June 24, 2018 – Mark 4:35-41

“Jesus Calms the Storms” (Pastor Balge)

June 17, 2018 – Mark 4:26-34

“What Grace! What Growth! As God’s word is planted in us… (Pastor Witte)

June 3, 2018 – Mark 2:23-38

“The Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath” (Pastor Witte)

May 27, 2018 – Genesis 6:1-8, 2 Corinthians 6:14-7:1, John 3:1-7

“Introductions to the 3 Lessons above” (Pastor Witte)

May 20, 2018 – Acts 2:1-13

“Come, Holy Ghost, God and Lord”  (Pastor Balge)

May 13, 2018- Psalm 8

“Psalm 8” (Pastor Witte)

May 6, 2018 – Psalm 98

“Make an Old Song Your New Song” (Pastor Witte)

April 29, 2018 – 1 John 4:16-21

“God is Love” (Pastor Balge)

April 22,2018 – 1 John 3:1-3

“What A Wonder” (Pastor Witte)

April 15, 2018- Acts 4:8-12, 1 John 1:1-2:2, Luke 24:36-49

“Expanding on the Lessons” (Pastor Witte)

April 8, 2018-Matthew 6:19-21, 24, 33

“What Is Your #1 Priority?” (Pastor Michael Hatzung)

April 1, 2018Klagstad Painting

“Happy Easter” (Pastor Witte)

March 25, 2018Psalm 118:25-57

“Blessed Is the King Who Comes” (Pastor Witte)

March 18, 2018 Jeremiah 31:31-34

“I Will Remember Their Sins No More” (Pastor Balge)

March 11, 2018Psalm 38

“Present All Your Pain” (Pastor Witte)

March 4, 2018 2 Corinthians 5:14

“Live in Thanks for Christ’s Love” (Pastor Phil Gieschen)

February 25,2018Mark 8:27-38

“What it Means to be a Christian” (Pastor Balge)

February 18, 2018Psalm 91:1-12

“Wing Your Way to Endless Day” (Pastor Witte)

February 11, 2018Mark 9:2-9

“It is Good for Us to be Here” (Pastor Balge)

February 4, 2018Mark 1:21-28

“Jesus Amazed the People” (Pastor Witte)

January 28, 2018Mark 1:14-20

“Jesus Invites Us to Follow” (Pastor Balge)

January 21, 2018Psalm 67

“Let it Snowball, They Sang” (Pastor Witte)

January 14, 2018Mark 1:4-11

“God’s Son is Your Savior” ( Pastor Balge)

January 7, 2018Psalm 72

“Begin with the End in Mind” (Pastor Witte)

December 31, 2017Luke 2:29-32

“Your Eyes Have Seen Salvation” (Pastor Balge)

December 31, 2017, 5:30 pmPsalm 92

“How Good to Be in God’s House” (Pastor Witte)

December 25, 2017Psalm 89:14-18

“How Blessed Are the People Who Know the Joyful Shout”  (Pastor Witte)

December 10, 2017Mark 1:1-8

“Pay Attention to John the Baptist”  (Pastor Balge)

December 3, 2017 Mark 13:28-37

“Any Day, Earth and Sky Will Pass Away”  (Pastor Witte)

November 26, 2017 – John 19:12-22

“Here Is Your King”  (Pastor Balge)

November 23, 2017Psalm 100

“Shout For Joy, All the Earth” (Pastor Witte)

November 19, 2017John 16:16-24

“We Don’t Know What’s Good for Us” (Pastor Witte)

November 12, 2017 John 9:35-41

“Test Your Spiritual Vision” (Pastor Balge)

November 5, 2017 – Psalm 115:1

“Not to Us, Lord, Not to Us”  (Pastor Witte)

October 22, 2017 – John 14:8-14

“Lord, Show Us the Father” (Pastor Balge)

October 15, 2017John 14:1-7

“Do Not Let Our Hearts Be Troubled” (Pastor Witte)

October 1, 2017John 13:12-20

“They Didn’t Say One Thing” (Pastor Witte)

September 24, 20171 Kings 8:22-30

“Lord Jesus, Let Your Face Shine on this Place”! (President of MLC-Mark Zarling)

September 17, 2017 – John 12:44-50

“I Heard the Voice of Jesus Say”  (Pastor Witte)

September 10,2017John 12:20-33

“We Would Like to See Jesus” (Pastor Balge)

September 3, 2017John 10:31-42

“The Stones Were Not the Only Signs” (Pastor Witte)

August 27, 2017 – John  8:46-59

“Your Savior is the LORD” (Pastor Balge)

August 20, 2017 John 8:38-45

“Like Father, Like Son” (Pastor Witte)

August 6, 2017John 8:12-20

“When Jesus Calls Himself the Worlds Light” (Pastor Witte)

July 30, 2017John 7:40-52

“No One Ever Spoke the Way This Man Does.” (Pastor Balge)

July 23, 2017John 7:25-36

“They Kept Asking Questions” (Pastor Witte)

April 5, 2017Matthew 27:1-5

“Turn to Jesus:Do Not Turn Away” (Pastor Nathan Nass)

April 2, 2017John 12:1-11

“In Lieu of You” (Pastor Witte)

March 29, 2017Luke 23:35-43

“Turn to Jesus:  He Holds the Key to Heaven” (Pastor Jim Bourman)

March 26, 2017 – John 11:47-57

“It is Better…That One Man Die for the People” (Pastor Balge)

March 22, 2017 – Luke 23:322-34

“Turn to Jesus: He Longs for the Father to Forgive You” (Pastor Witte)

March 19, 2017 – John 11:17-46

“Really Rely! Totally Trust!” (Pastor Witte)

March 15, 2017Luke 18:9-33

“Turn to Jesus and Not to Yourself” (Pastor Nass)

March 12, 2017 – John 11:1-16

“Jesus Has Perfect Timing” (Pastor Balge)

March 8, 2017 –  Mark 14:32-383

“Turn to Jesus When You Face Temptation” (Pastor Degner)

March 5, 2017John 12:21-32
“In Your Night-Fight” (Pastor Witte)

March 1, 2017John 16:32-33
“When You Are Alone, Turn to Jesus” (Pastor Witte)

February 26, 2017John 12:37-43
“What Faith Does” (Pastor Balge)

February 19, 2017John 4:43-54
“Jesus’ Signs Were Sensational” (Pastor Witte)

February 12, 2017John 2:12-25
“Carry Out God’s Work with Passion and Authority” (Pastor Balge)

February 5, 2017John 2:1-11
“Jesus Made Wine for You” (Pastor Witte)

January 29, 20171 Corinthians 1:26-31
“Boast in the Lord” (Pastor Otto)

January 22nd, 2017John 1:35-42
“View the New Who of You” (Pastor Witte)

January 15, 2017 – John 1:29-34
“Look, The Lamb of God Who Takes Away the Sin of the World” (Pastor Balge)

January 8th, 2017John 1:5-9
“The Light Shines in the Darkness” (Pastor Witte)